New Members Info
CYC is always looking for new members. If you are interested please contact one of the CYC Membership Chairmans by emailing them at . Someone should return either your email or contact you via phone. Please include your name, the make/model/length of your boat, your telephone number (recommended time to call), and email address.
The following requirements must be met in order to be a member of CYC1) You must join with a sailboat2) You must have met and been interviewed by at least 3 CYC board members. (This is usually done by initially meeting with the membership chairman, where they will give you the tour, answer any questions and make arrangements to meet the other two board members)3) You must fill out a two page application (attached below)4) You must provide a check for either the full amount or 1/2 of the initiation fee (which will put you on a two year plan) with applicable taxes5) Once the Membership Chairman has received both your application and your check, you must be voted in by the board.
CYC Membership ApplicationFirst MatesFee Schedule
Note: That while slips are not always available, in the event you would like one, we can always accommodate new members on a mooring, until such a time when a slip opens up. Priority of slips are given to the lowest membership number. We can usually accommodate new members on slips sometime during their first year. Normal attrition usually makes a number of slips available.
In addition to the initiation fee, and your annual fees , since we are a working club, 20 hours per family are required per year, for the first 5 years, and then it is reduce down to 15 hours per year for active members.
The following requirements must be met in order to be a member of CYC1) You must join with a sailboat2) You must have met and been interviewed by at least 3 CYC board members. (This is usually done by initially meeting with the membership chairman, where they will give you the tour, answer any questions and make arrangements to meet the other two board members)3) You must fill out a two page application (attached below)4) You must provide a check for either the full amount or 1/2 of the initiation fee (which will put you on a two year plan) with applicable taxes5) Once the Membership Chairman has received both your application and your check, you must be voted in by the board.
CYC Membership ApplicationFirst MatesFee Schedule
Note: That while slips are not always available, in the event you would like one, we can always accommodate new members on a mooring, until such a time when a slip opens up. Priority of slips are given to the lowest membership number. We can usually accommodate new members on slips sometime during their first year. Normal attrition usually makes a number of slips available.
In addition to the initiation fee, and your annual fees , since we are a working club, 20 hours per family are required per year, for the first 5 years, and then it is reduce down to 15 hours per year for active members.